Molecular dynamics simulation for interaction of a cantilever tip with lipid bilayers. Two tips with different radii are shown for comparison, as well as a sample force/displacement curve


NSF-sponsored project "Multiscale Modeling and Biomechanical Analysis of Animal Cells" (NSF Award #CMMI-2011220)

The ultimate goal of this proposal is to develop and validate a multiscale quantitative model for mechanical (viscoelastic) properties of animal cells. The model will enable multiscale analyses and testable predictions of the contribution of cell microstructure and cell shape to viscoelastic properties. This goal will be achieved through completion of the following objectives:

1) determine mechanical properties of cell components

2) develop a numerical micromechanical model of the viscoelastic properties of cells

3) experimentally validate the developed model

The objectives 1 and 2 will be reached using a combination of methods of molecular dynamics, micromechanics and finite element analysis; objective 3 will be reached using the atomic force microscopy (AFM) of animal cells from different species.